When the Vector robot was designed by Anki, the only language he was built for was English. However, since the English language differs across geographies, three different locales were provided: English-US, English-UK, and English-AUS. There was no support for other languages.
Now that Wirepod is the only server and way to run the Vector robot, we do have a workaround way to communicate with Vector in other languages. (I say workaround, because there are still parts which do not work well). This tutorial re-visits what works and what does not work with non-English languages.
To communicate with a user, Vector needs to do three different things:
Comprehend what the user says. This is technically known as Speech to Text Translation (STT)
Generate a response to the text to carry out the conversation.
Translate the response text back to speech.
Note that in theory, only step 2 is required, because that is how our brains work, right… we listen to something and our brain is able to make us speak …