Updates on Vector Robot
For those of you who own the Vector robot, there have been quite a few developments over the last 3 months. This post attempts to summarize all the recent developments.
Vector 2.0 battery issues
While very few were lucky to get hold of their Vector 2.0 robot, some users who got the robot have reported battery issues with the Lithium Ion battery DDL used for Vector 2.0. Apparently, many batteries have been swelling with only an year of use, and the swelled batteries are a fire hazard. The DroidYouAreLookingFor has a great article on this issue including pictures of how the swelled batteries look like. Luckily Vector 2.0 has an opening to remove and replace the battery. You should dispose any swelled Lithium Ion Battery and replace it with an equivalent (A few suggestions in the blog post I referred to above).
Many of you might not have received the Vector 2.0 even after paying a premium price for it. Pittsburgh Attorney General has filed a suit against DDL alleging that 14000 orders for r…